How To Skin Your Fight Stick

7 min readMar 5, 2019

Hello, I made this guide for people who would like to customize their fight sticks. I tried to cover all steps from the beginning to the end. I do this kind of stuff for a living so all these tips come from working experience. I cover the physical application of the skin and the file preparation in a

I have an imported Hori RAP4 hayabusa but the general steps apply to most fight sticks.

Disclaimer: I’m not responsible for any damage to your stick from following these tips.

Summary before we start the application tutorial

Please do not use artwork you don’t have permission to use. Official art is usually fair use and commissioning an artist is your best option. Here is a link to Focus Attack’s stick templates. Make sure the completed image has a bleed around it. There’s a section on commissioning tips and recommendations at the end.

Whether you want to change the artwork once in awhile or keep it forever. There are different vinyls with different grade of tackiness, it’s worth asking about removable/changeable adhesives, otherwise they usually print on a permanent adhesive. **If you are not ordering from a place that specializes in vinyl skins make sure they laminate your piece or you’ll be replacing it in less than a day lol.**

I have a plexiglass cover on my stick

What are you reading this for, print it yourself on paper or something and stick it under the glass. These are usually the easiest sticks to skin.

Prepping your stick

These steps and images are based on my Hori. Your’s may differ so please adjust your steps accordingly. I assume you have some knowledge with basic tools here. **I’ll do my best to address potential differences.

Remove the screws holding the metal plate in place, i recommend doing it in your lap so the balltop doesn’t get in the way. **some sticks are front panel removable.

The goal here is to remove the buttons and the joystick ball/dust washer. I highly suggest labeling or making a diagram of which wires lead to which buttons along with any other important details. **some sticks have no color coding on the wires.

Pull out all the wires carefully, use pliers if necessary. **some sticks have very sticky plugs please be careful here.

Pop out the buttons by pressing on the tabs while pushing the button housing out. I recommend using a screwdriver or something to press the tab in for you. **again be careful here, i broke a tab on my Sanwa buttons by pushing too hard

For the joystick use a coin or a flathead screwdriver and while holding the balltop with your other hand turn the shaft counterclockwise, like any other screw, and unscrew the balltop.

Now the front panel of your stick should be free of obstruction, be sure to clean the front, any oil from your fingers or residue can make the vinyl hard to stick.

Vinyl Application

Take your piece and if it’s not already done, cut out the holes for the stick and buttons. **if you’re unsure cut the holes smaller rather than bigger.

Line up the holes, if your image was built with a bleed you won’t have to worry about the outside edges, which is how it should be.

Tape the middle lengthwise with masking tape/any tape that doesn’t tear or leave residue.

i used washi tape in this one

Peel the liner off one side of the vinyl and cut it carefully, put something underneath if necessary to avoid cutting into the plastic.

peel the vinyl up and then -> cut the liner away

Lay the vinyl down carefully, middle outwards and use a rigid card to lay it down

Now remove the tape and finish up the rest of the vinyl ** make sure you lay it down flat and start from middle out to avoid bubbles and stretching

Now using an xacto knife or similar, cut the excess vinyl around the button holes.

Be sure to firmly smooth down the edges one more time before cutting the outside edge

Smooth it all down one more time and you’re finished !!!

Clean Up

  • Put the dust washers in and screw the balltop back on. **Don’t forget to tighten the shaft
  • Slip the buttons back into the plate carefully, sometimes you have to press really hard, and reattach the wires according to your diagrams/labels
  • Done! Admire your handiwork

File Preparation

Once you have an illustration OR want to piece together something on your own with photoshop.etc here are some tips and printing specific instructions. Photoshop skills are highly recommended.

  • Remember to download the template for your stick from focus attack you should have a .psd file
  • When you open it the top visible layer have instructions that are worth reading. Once you’re done you can hide the layer to reveal the actual template underneath.

DO NOT use any unofficial art/stealing fanart that you do not have permission to use. Its rude.

For this example I am using a piece from my friend Aurahack

move the image around on the template as you like

If you’re the artist, keep the template layers intact and work with the buttons/holes, not around them. I found the artwork looks the best if it flows naturally with the functions of the stick.

example of how the crop looks


  1. PLEASE make sure the image extends to/beyond the bleed, which is the red line there.
  2. Remember print works in CMYK not in RGB so set the color space of your artwork accordingly. You will likely lose bright strong colors, CMYK has a much lower gamut than RGB.
  3. The resolution in the template is already set DO NOT change it or your print will look like garbage.
  4. It needs to be 300dpi for most printing places. So please ensure your image is large enough, if you need to upscale it it will likely look bad once its printed.

Vinyl specific notes

  • Remove the screw holes and gray and red outline before printing. You don’t want those on your printed piece. These lines are specifically for sending your artwork to be printed at Focus Attack.
  • For DIY purposes I keep the button holes there to cut them out myself, as you can probably see on the application tutorial above.
How the final art sent to print looks

Commissioning Artwork

I would recommend commissioning an artist to make you an illustration for your stick. It can be unique to you and working together on a project like that is fun for everyone. Feel free to ask the artists listed below or any artists you know. Not everyone’s slots are open all the time, but ask them if you’re interested.

@amadeus46art :

@mynare :

@lonerurouni187 :

@azuumori :

@aurahack :

@SinKiske :

Commissioning a full illust at 300dpi is usually enough to put on your stick, just let the artist know what its for.

Thanks for reading hope that was helpful!

— Final notes from me

  • I am available to help anyone with questions about file prep/layout and if you need a hand figuring out the file templates. Especially for any artists.
  • Clearly I like fighting games, here is my local scenes twitch channel if you’re interested.
  • Looking for matches? Local scene anime fgs discord:

Feel free to contact me on twitter if you have any questions. or send me an email at

